DE's 50th Anniversary Celebration

In 2022, DE turns 50! Our beloved building was constructed 100 years ago, and we as a community have been here for exactly half of that time, marking half a century of DE as a uniquely dynamic and truly affordable live/work artist community. It’s been a wild and beautiful ride, and we’re going to celebrate the rich legacy of DE in conjunction with Open Studios next fall. Join us here at 540 Alabama Street for visual art and performance offerings by DE members, and raise a glass with us, as we look back at how a small group of artists with a bold vision carved out a living and breathing template for sustainability and community that still thrives today…

Check back here for details and announcements about DE’s 50th Anniversary Celebration!

Celebrating DE’s 45th anniversary in 2017

2022 Open Studios

Join us next year for our first post-pandemic Open Studios event. Come in and visit our studios, see our work, and enjoy pop-up performances by DE members. Stay tuned for dates and details. 

Open Studios at Developing Environments, 2019

Mayor Breed Supporting DE

State Assembly member David Chiu, Arts Commissioner Debra Walker, Mayor London Breed and State Senator Scott Weiner.

San Francisco Art &Film

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ADTV Joske Thompson interviews Ronald Chase, the Founding Director of Art & Film in San Francisco.